FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Competition 2022 Registration

If your child is an enthusiastic future architect, engineer or inventor, spark their interest through the 2022 LEGO robotics competition. This is an international competition for pre-school and lower primary school children.


Competition Theme: Cargo Connect
Date of Competition: Thursday 14th to 16th April 2022*
*Our competition slot will be allocated by FLL In 2022
Birth Year of Child: 2013 – 2016


● Competition exposure
● Left and right brain training
● Meeting new friends and working as a team
● Problem solving skills
● Spatial awareness
● Speech training & presentation skills
● Certificates of participation from FLL and Empire Code for DSA portfolio


● Completion of all LEGO WeDo modules before 1 Jan 2022
● 30 hours of competition training in 2022* (Training hours can be deducted from our credit packages)
● Training materials will be provided for home use
*15 consecutive Sundays (from 9.30am to 11.30am) starting 2 Jan 2022

Registration Form

If your child is not an existing Empire Code student and you are unsure if robotics is suitable for your child, sign up for our 30-minute trial session at a special price of $10 .

Price: $50.00
Please note by registering for the competition, you will grant your consent to Duck Learning (the Competition Organiser) and Empire Code the use of your child's photos or/and videos for educational, training and marketing purposes.

PayNow (UEN 201818613N)

Please indicate your child’s full name in the reference/comments during the transfer.

Allowed file formats: .png, .jpg, .pdf, .jpeg

After clicking submit, please wait for the confirmation to appear on the webpage before closing the browser. If you don't see a confirmation, please contact us via email:

After your submission, you will receive a confirmation email. If you don’t receive the email, please contact us at

*By submitting the form, you agree to our Terms and Conditions