Roblox Competition Camps 2021 | Empire Code

Roblox Competition Camps 2021

Roblox Competition – Preparation Classes & Camps

Preparation classes and camps are available for students to learn the essential concepts
and coding in Roblox Studio for the Empire Code Roblox Game Development Competition 2021.

Beginner Level 1
10-hour Roblox Game Development Course

In this 10-hour camp, students will learn:
– Coding in Roblox Studio with the programming language Lua
– Game design, animation and modelling
– Creation of maps, obstacles, GUI, scoreboard, server scripts
– Game publishing

Daily Classes:
Monday 22 to 25 November 2021, from 1.30am to 4pm
Monday 29 November to 2 December 2021, from 9.30am to 12pm (FULL)
Monday 6 December to Thursday 9 December 2021, from 9.30am to 12pm
Please select your preferred dates in the web form.

Beginner Level 2
10-hour Roblox Game Development Year-end Camps

In this 10-hour camp, students will learn:
– Coding in Roblox Studio with the programming language Lua
– Advanced Builds: Spinning, fireplace, clickdetector
– Advanced scripting with Lua Programming language, racing timer, cut scene

Daily Classes:
Monday 29 November to Thursday 2 December 2021, from 1.15pm to 3.45pm
Monday 6 December to Thursday 9 December 2021, from 1.15pm to 3.45pm
Monday 13 December to Thursday 16 December 2021, from 1.15pm to 3.45pm
Please select your preferred dates in the web form.

20-hour Intensive Year-end Camps (covers Beginner L1 and L2)

In this 20-hour camp, students will learn:
– Coding in Roblox Studio with the programming language Lua
– Game design, animation and modelling
– Creation of maps, obstacles, GUI, scoreboard, server scripts
– Game publishing
– Advanced Builds: Spinning, fireplace, clickdetector
– Advanced scripting with Lua Programming language, racing timer, cut scene

Daily Classes:
Monday 22 November to Friday 26 November 2021, 9.30am to 1.30pm
Monday 29 November to Friday 3 December 2021 , 9.30am to 1.30pm (FULL)
Please select your preferred dates in the web form.


– Bring a laptop and mouse; rental options are available (on-site camps)
– Able to use a computer/mouse and comfortable with typing
– Download the free Roblox Studio


Camp Fee (10 hours)
$315 (without device rental)
$350 (including device rental)

Camp Fee (20 hours)
$600 (without device rental)
$660 (including device rental)

Online or 19 Tanglin Road, #04-15 Tanglin Shopping Centre, S(247909)

Preparation Classes & Camps Form For Singapore


PayNow (UEN 201818613N)

Please indicate your child’s full name in the reference/comments during the transfer.

Allowed file formats: .png, .jpg, .pdf, .jpeg

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